Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Texas Ambassadors visit Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital in San Antonio, Texas

The Texas D1 Ambassadors, as part of their community service work, visited the Christus Santa Rosa Children's Hospital, May 15, 2010 in San Antonio Texas.        

Visiting children ranging in age from 5-12 years old, the Ambassadors played board games; video games; visited with the children’s parents; and of course talked about basketball during the visit.

“Man you guys are really big”, was one of the comments that greeted the Ambassadors when the children came to the playroom to meet them. After a few minutes to break the ice, game on! The children picked the games they wanted to play and proceeded to trounce the Ambassadors time and time again!

“These children go through so much” said one hospital staff member. “But look at them. They’re playing; having fun; laughing and are just having a good time.”

Before too long, you couldn’t tell who was having the most fun, the Ambassadors, or the children. The children’s infectious smiles and zest for life really put the Ambassadors at ease. In a short amount of time, the room was simply filled with kids just having fun!

“So which college do you all attend”, was another comment received from one of the parents. I guess when you are around children all day, to see some rather tall players (compared to 5-12 year olds), the Ambassadors may look like college players. The Ambassadors were all smiles after hearing that, but were quickly brought back down to earth by Coach Mike Hargis when he said, “No, these are not college kids, but one of our goals as Texas Ambassadors is to help get these kids to college.”

Not only did the Ambassadors come away with a feeling of good-will during this visit, the Ambassadors also were able to successfully recruit a future 2017 Ambassador! (See picture above).

Filling up the car to drive to San Antonio from Austin, $65.00;

Paying to park in the hospital parking lot, $7.00;

Seeing the joy on not only the children’s faces, but the Ambassadors faces as well, PRICELESS!!!

Pictured team members include Sean Voss; Michael Hargis; Alex Caruso; Blair Williams; Zak Chambers; Dylan Elias; David Weathers; Cole Martinez; Coach Mike Hargis. Not pictured; Ja’Ron Macarthur.